Einkaufen in2b®

relaxONnaming® while shopping

relaxONnaming while shopping can help you to do your shopping in peace and without stress.

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Understanding concentration problems and mental burnout

Understanding concentration problems and mental burnout

Simple examples help to better understand decreasing and lacking concentration and the consequences of mental burnout.

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Fall asleep more easily

Fall asleep more easily

Paying attention to various factors helps you to fall asleep more easily in the evening.

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observe, name and evaluate burnout

observe, name and evaluate burnout

A model for the development of decreasing and lacking concentration.

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exhaustionE - Protocol 50-10 and 25-5

exhaustionE – Protocol 50-10 and 25-5

exhaustionE - protocol for documenting, evaluating and supporting the ability to concentrate.

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Farben in2b® beobachten und benennen

relaxONnaming® colors

relaxONnaming colors can help to reduce mild and moderate inner restlessness.

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relaxONnaming® the surroundings

relaxONnaming – Observing and naming our surroundings can help us find mental peace.

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talk2b® - Beyond judgment

talk2b® – beyond judgment

Using talk2b in conversations means going beyond judgment and addressing only observable and nameable facts and their consequences.

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