relaxONnaming® surrounding to fall asleep

relaxONnaming® surrounding to fall asleep

Relax on naming the surrounding can help to shorten waking phases and brooding and to find inner peace to fall asleep.

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Shorten waking phases

Shorten waking phases

Shortening longer periods of wakefulness during the night helps to adapt bedtime to your personal sleep needs.

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Improve falling asleep and staying asleep

Improve falling asleep and staying asleep

Observing simple sleep rules helps to improve falling asleep and staying asleep.

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relaxONnaming® body sensations to fall asleep

relaxONnaming® body sensations to fall asleep

Relax on naming body sensations can help to shorten waking phases and brooding and to find inner peace to fall asleep.

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Fall asleep more easily

Fall asleep more easily

Paying attention to various factors helps you to fall asleep more easily in the evening.

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